“Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.”- Robin S. Sharma

Let’s face it –the ideal working environment is one where all members of a team work together in perfect harmony to get the job done. Unfortunately, the reality is often very different from this ideal.

Conflicts may arise and can begin over very small things. Once the seed is planted, it can quickly grow, and easily get out of hand.

Strong leadership is needed to manage these conflicts and get every member of the team working together again.

Leaders of today are encountering increasing complexities that multiply with time and scope. Surrounded by an ever increasing demand on their time from multiple sources, most of them feel overwhelmed.

Conflict management

Many organisations underestimate the importance of learning conflict management and don’t include time for it in their strategy. With the appropriate training and coaching, team leaders can learn the best routes for conflict resolution, leading to a much more welcoming and productive working environment.

The benefits are two-fold. When conflicts arise, they are dealt with properly which allows work to continue as normal. Because the conflicts are recognised and dealt with by senior members of the organisation, team members feel valued. Their thoughts and opinions are listened to, and conflict resolution brings a stronger bond within the team.

 I truly believe that for any leadership training to propel leaders, not just to the next level, but to the highest level, the trainer needs to be able to access the real, practical situation and objectives faced by HR and top-level management.

Learn the skills to stay relevant!

At other times an intervention or cultural transformation is needed. But in either case, it starts with understanding your position, goals and concrete challenges.

With decades of hands-on experience as a corporate leader and training other corporate leaders, I help you identify the minute areas that really make a difference for your organisation’s performance.

A tiny change in culture can mean long-term sustainable results and a big jump in profits —
So where are you going to invest your efforts?


I understand how to help leaders realise their full potential because I have walked in your shoes. I have been in your world for decades, and know how to deal with, and overcome, the headaches you face.

Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Acquire leadership skills and strategies tailored to your needs?

Just as a team building exercises increase the acknowledgement of value of other team members while creating stronger relationships, the execution of an effective conflict resolution strategy enhances the relationship between team members as well as with the management team.

Training Leaders to Manage Conflict

Conflict management skills do not come naturally for many leaders, and so appropriate training needs to be given. Managing conflict in the workplace is an important skill to possess, as managers and team leaders who are able to manage conflict consistently get a better response from their team.

Teams become more effective as their leaders learn ways to prevent conflicts from arising in the first place and are able to effectively manage those that do arise or were previously existing. The goals of the business are achieved more quickly when team members work together as a unit and conflicts are kept to a minimum.

I am also happy to work with you/your leadership team to help draw up a competency framework, that meets your organisational goals.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” – Alexander the Great




For your specific competency development needs please write to me at

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